Wednesday, January 4, 2012

B is for...

letter #2 in the alphabet photo challenge...

Boogie's absolute favorite toy/game/activity/thing to watch/etc. After "byebye," "ball" was Boogie's second word.  He loves basketball ("bskball" as Boogie says it).  Anything (and everything) turns into a basketball or basketball goal.  Which is helpful when doing laundry, but dangerous most other times. I can't even tell you how many time I hear the word "bskball" in one day; I'll have to count for you sometime. He "practices" all the time and has a pretty mean jump shot...

That was a couple months ago, you should see him now! I'm sure, as soon as he's old enough, this will be the first sport we will enroll him in as he is completely obsessed!! (and, yes, I've checked into it...there's "Me and Mini Me Basketball for 2.5-4 y/ more year!!)

Maybe we have the next Kirk Hinrich or Tyrel Reed on our hands?! Definitely a future Jayhawk though, whether he's on the court or not. Boogie can say "Jayhawk!" He'll spot one from a mile away and start shouting "jayjawk! jayjawk! jayjawk!" Oh, he loves that mythical bird; that's my boy!!

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