Sunday, September 26, 2010

they change so much...

Yes, Boogie is 3 months old today!  I'll say it now as I'm sure I'll say a million times....where has the time gone?! My tiny little newborn has suddenly turned into a little boy. His personality comes out more and more everyday and he has this new, ornery little smile that makes me nervous for the years to come :)

He also has figured out that he has mommy wrapped around his little finger (ie: he can act like a little booger then flash that big smile and mommy forgets all about it) For example, he decided to wake up at 5am this morning.  (This is really out of character for him as he has been sleeping till 8am for the past two months.) He didn't really want anything particular, we cuddled, he comfort nursed and he grouched.  I finally decided to just try and put him back to bed. As soon as I layed him down that big sweet smile came across his face along with a little giggle. I suddenly forgot that it was, now, 5:45am....what a little booger...

Boogie has another new trick.  He is trying really, really hard to sit up all by himself. He will grab onto my fingers and use his not-so-bulging biceps to pull himself up to seated. He just smiles and laughs as he looks around from this new perspective, it's like a whole new world from up there....Yesterday, Boogie was propped up in his boppy.  I noticed he kept making this grunting noise accompanied with a look of intensity on his face.  My first thought: must be gas....but then I realized what he was doing. He was contracting his not-so-rock-hard abs trying to pull himself up to seated. Then, all of a sudden, the hard work paid off.  He pulled himself away from the boppy and up to a seated position....well, kind of....he basically pulled his whole body away from the boppy only to flop right back down. BUT, in that split second, there was this look of pure happiness and accomplishment on his face.  I could just read the thoughts that flashed through his mind in that split second..."IdiditlookatmemomI'msittingupIdidit!!!" It made me laugh and cry at the same little baby is growing so fast!

On this fall day, Boogie got dressed up in his jeans and plaid cowboy jacket for his 3 month pictures. ( Not sure why he looks so serious in all of them.)  Looking back to pictures from his first days home its crazy how in 3 short months they change so much...

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